Oriol Ponsatí-Murlà (Figueres, 1978) is a writer, translator, rhapsode and professor at the Universitat de Girona. For his short novel Totes les estacions de França, he won both the Just Manuel Casero award and the Setè Cel de Salt award. He has written for El País, La Vanguardia and El Punt, published studies on the philosophical works of Aristotle, Plotinus and Bruno, and translated Stravinsky, Nietzsche, Diderot and Calvino. Alongside this, he is known for his solo performance of Erik Satie’s Vextations, which lasted 20 hours, and his complete 15-hour-long reading of Homer’s Odyssey. He was curator of the Bertrana Year in 2017 and director of the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes from 2019 to 2021. His essay, Greed, is published in The Seven Deadly Sins.

  • The Seven Deadly Sins


Narcís Oller


Marina Porras