Adrià Pujol (Begur, 1974) works as an anthropologist, writer and translator. Among his prolific writings are works of fiction, non-fiction, biography and essay, with perhaps his best-known novel being the autobiographical Picadura de Barcelona. He has written frequently for the Diari de Girona, La Llança and Avenç, alongside his collaborations with the Museu Etnològic de Barcelona and the Observatori de la Vida Quotidiana. Among his translations (of Henri Bergson, Pierre Michon, and Boris Vian), his rendering of Georges Perec’s Eclipse into Catalan won the Serra d’Or Prize in 2018. His latest essay, Gluttony, appears in The Seven Deadly Sins.

  • The Seven Deadly Sins

  • Empordan Escafarlata


Marina Porras


Anna Punsoda