
Ronald Puppo is a research fellow at the Universitat de Vic–Universitat Central de Catalunya. He has taught translation and English studies since 1994 and published articles and reviews appearing in Babel, Catalan Review, Translation Review and other journals, as well as book chapters for Reichenberger and Routledge. Translator of several Catalan poets, notably Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) and Joan Maragall (1860-1911), his full-length, annotated translation of Verdaguer’s foundational epic, Mount Canigó: A tale of Catalonia, was awarded the 2016 “Serra d’Or” Critics Prize for Research in Catalan Studies.

  • One Day of Life is Life

  • On Yellow Evenings

Click here to watch a video of Ronald as he tells us about his life with the Catalan language.


Anna Punsoda


Oriol Quintana